CLOSED-Seattle Center House RFQ-CTR-SC-2011-1
Original Date Posted: July 29, 2011 10:19 pmProposal Materials & Schedule
(Click on the project title link below to access official project information and documents)
Title: CLOSED-Seattle Center House RFQ-CTR-SC-2011-1 Ebid number is SC-2011-1
Project Description: Seattle Center is seeking to retain the services of a qualified consultant team to prepare an “Atrium Improvements Concept Plan” for the Food Court area in Seattle Center’s Center House. For the selected design team, the work of this phase is expected to include an evaluation of an array of program enhancements, including concept level drawings, sketches and ROM pricing. Depending upon available funding, and if the work of the team during this phase is performed to the satisfaction of Seattle Center, the selected team may be retained to complete schematic level drawings, design development and construction documents, and administer the resulting construction of the work for Center House, and possibly other campus hospitality-related facilities. Seattle Center is interested in implementing the highest priority improvements prior to The Next Fifty, the 50th Anniversary of the 1962 World’s Fair beginning April 2012.
Consultants should demonstrate experience with the hospitality industry, and to successfully complete all phases of the project a broad range of disciplines may be needed, including but not limited to: Architecture, Lighting Design, Interior Design, Theater Consulting and Environmental Graphics. All proposals are required to meet the Affirmative Efforts requirements as specified in the RFQ. An Inclusion Plan will be required for the top rated consultant.
Engineer’s Estimate: Enter when applicable.
Proposal Due Date and Time: Proposals will be due Friday, August 19, 2011, 3:00 pm.
City Contact: For more information, contact Neal Erickson, 206-684-7117 or .
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