CLOSED-Real Estate Brokerage Services RFP-FAS-2040
Original Date Posted: October 5, 2011 4:31 pmTitle: CLOSED-Real Estate Brokerage Services RFP-FAS-2040 Ebid number is RFP FAS#2040 Brokerage Services
Project Description:
The City of Seattle owns a wide variety of office, commercial, warehouse, and special use properties such as fire and police facilities. Each year the City purchases and sells property to address changing operational needs. Over the next few years the City anticipates placing a number of properties on the market that are no longer needed for City operations. These specialized properties may include former fire stations, utility properties, and various parcels of vacant land.
The City recognizes that active marketing of real property by specialized brokers is an industry accepted method of selling and purchasing property. The City is interested in obtaining the services of real estate brokers, who have experience and knowledge of the market and the ability to connect with a wide range of buyers and to negotiate on the City’s behalf to obtain the best terms for the City.
The City has several City Departments who manage real property. The Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) is issuing this Request for Proposals. Contracts signed with FAS may be used by other City Departments for real estate brokerage services with FAS concurrence. In addition, responses to this Request for Proposal will be available to other City Departments for their use in negotiating and signing contracts for services.
At this time, the Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) is soliciting real estate brokers and their firms to submit proposals for various real estate brokerage and consultation services. These on-call contracts may be entered into with individual Brokers specializing in certain types of property as well as full-service firms. Brokers will negotiate on the City’s behalf as a listing broker and as a selling broker.
The City also encourages Real Estate brokers and their firms that qualify as small businesses to apply to the City of Seattle Real Estate Services Consultant Roster Category 59, Real Estate Consulting, which is now open to small business for Real Estate Brokerage Services.
Interested real estate brokers and brokerage firms are invited to submit a proposal as defined in this Request for Proposal. In preparing proposals, parties may wish to attend an optional informational meeting and site visits to two surplus fire stations; dates for these events can be found on page 1 of this RFP. After the submittal deadline, FAS will review the submitted proposals and may invite some Proposers for an interview. FAS intends to negotiate and sign on-call contracts with multiple firms that have demonstrated their ability and experience to represent the City in disposing and purchasing of real property. The City is under no obligation whatsoever to assign work to the Proposer.
As real estate brokerage services are identified, the City will solicit short proposals from brokers/firms with signed consultant contacts. The City then selects a broker/firm who is best suited for each project. The City will issue a Letter of Authorization under the on-call contract specifying the negotiated scope of work, timeline for completion and the cost of services based on the rates and/or fees set forth in the on-call contract.
On-call contracts with each firm will include a negotiated fee structure for services to be provided by the broker or firm. Proposals should include commission rates, a fee for service structure, and/or hourly rates for services. As a Letter of Authorization is issued, the City and the firm will select the appropriate fee structure based on the master on-call contract. Compensation may be paid on a monthly basis for services rendered or at the completion of the services, or some combination of the two. City funding for each assignment will be based on the City Department responsible for each particular property as well as the type of property in question.
Engineer’s Estimate: Fee or percentage
Proposal Due Date and Time: 10/31/2011, 1:00 PM
City Contact: Daniel Bretzke, Tel (206) 684-0430, Fax (206) 684-4511,
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