CLOSED-20% Building Energy Savings Analysis RFP-FAS-2011-048
Original Date Posted: February 24, 2012 5:12 pmAddenda Posted 2/29/2012: Addenda #1 (click on “Addenda #1” to open the PDF. The RFP has been updated accordingly).
Addenda Posted 3/13/2012 – revised 3:16 PM: Addenda #2 (click on “Addenda #2” to open the PDF. The RFP has been updated accordingly).
Questions & Answers Posted 3/13/2012: Q&A PDF (click on “Q&A PDF” to open the PDF.)
Proposal Materials & Schedule
(Click on the project title link below to access official project information and documents)
Title: CLOSED-20% Building Energy Savings Analysis RFP-FAS-2011-048 (last revised 3/13/2012)
Project Description:
In the 2011 State of the City address, Mayor McGinn announced the City would accept President Obama’s Better Building challenge to reduce energy use in municipal buildings by 20% by 2020. To help determine the strategy for achieving a 20% energy reduction, the Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS) seeks on-call energy management services to analyze a few select FAS owned and managed buildings to identify specific measures and rough cost estimates necessary to reduce energy use.
The 20% building energy savings analysis will be a hybrid between an investment grade energy audit, a feasibility study, and an energy modeling/computer simulation project. The consultant will, in each building:
Examine existing energy use and identify the energy end use breakout;
- Evaluate how the building is currently being operated and maintained;
- Assess existing structural, mechanical, and electrical components and systems;
- Identify energy efficiency and conservation measures that would cumulatively reduce energy use by at least 20% (based on information gathered in the first three steps); and,
- Calculate Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost estimates for each energy efficiency and conservation measure.
To ensure identified improvement and reduction measures will achieve a 20% energy savings, the consultant may need to perform some level of energy modeling or computer simulation. The analysis and resulting strategies/measures will need to be holistic in nature to feasibly achieve such significant energy efficiency and reductions; the consultant will be expected to identify and evaluate necessary behavioral and operational changes, in addition to retrofit or capital improvements.
Project Estimate: Not to exceed $250,000
Proposal Due Date and Time: 03/16/2012, 5:00 pm (Pacific)
City Contact: Sarah Calvillo-Hoffman,
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