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August 2014



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South Transfer Station Phase II Design Services (14-160-S)

Original Date Posted: August 18, 2014 1:37 pm

Due Date:

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) plans to issue a Request for Qualifications and Project Approach (RFQPA) for the second phase of the South Transfer Station redevelopment project in August 2014.  The first phase was the construction of the new South Transfer Station across the street from the old station.  The South Transfer Station Phase 2 (STS2) project involves redevelopment of the old transfer station site at 8100 2nd Ave S, Seattle, WA for solid waste and other utility purposes.  The site is about 11 acres in size and consists of an old landfill that was closed in 1965 and the old transfer station.  Redevelopment of the site will involve demolition of existing structures, grading to promote re-development and proper drainage, and design of additional landfill closure structures such as gas vents, additional cover, and monitoring systems.

This project will be implemented in two stages.  The first stage will involve options analysis (preliminary engineering) for site development structures and new facilities to determine the best option for each facility before proceeding to full design.  The facilities planned for the site include additional truck and trailer parking and driver facility, a recycling and reuse center, allocation of five acres for a material recovery facility, possible re-location of the existing household hazardous waste facility, vactor truck wastewater dewatering and solids handling, and other staff facilities.

Contacting the SPU Project Manager prior to the Request for Proposal release date is discouraged.

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