CLOSED-Request for Information (RFI) for New Customer Information Systems (NCIS) and Support/Development of a Customer Self Service (CSS) Portal, SCL #CC-2016-008
Original Date Posted: February 17, 2016 8:13 amClick here to view the full RFI – posted 2/16/2016
City of Seattle (City) departments Seattle City Light (SCL) and Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) are engaged in replacing their current shared billing system Consolidated Customer Service System (CCSS) and several other ancillary applications with Oracle Customer Care & Billing (CC&B), Customer Self-Service Portal (CSS), Business Intelligence (BI), Meter Data Management product (MDM), and Smart Grid Gateway (SGG), collectively referred to hereafter as the New Customer Information Systems (NCIS) Solution.
This Request for Information (RFI) seeks information to help SCL and SPU understand options for two groups of services:
1. Managed services for post implementation application support for NCIS (can include or exclude support and continued development for a Customer Self Service (CSS) portal).
2. Support and continued development and support of a Customer Self Service (CSS) portal only.
Vendors responding to this RFI may provide information for either of the services above or both. They may also propose a partnership with other vendors to provide information for both services.
Posted under History/Archives categories Tags: Customer, Information, Portal, Systems