CLOSED-Green Stormwater Infrastructure Outreach – Rainwise North & South Seattle; SPU RFQ/Contract #17-149-S
Original Date Posted: August 6, 2018 7:30 amCITY OF SEATTLE
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Outreach – Rainwise North & South Seattle
SPU RFQ/Contract #17-149-S
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is requesting qualifications from qualified community engagement consulting firms for one or two new contracts to support the Green Stormwater Infrastructure Outreach Program. SPU plans to select one or two consultant teams to provide outreach capacity for RainWise and possible future voluntary GSI programs in targeted areas.
For the purposes of this solicitation, the term RainWise refers to the existing and possible future voluntary GSI customer programs. Consultant team is expected to use existing outreach strategies as well as develop new strategies that will be tested, inclusive, and culturally adaptive during the term of this contract. The contracts are split geographically with one focusing on North and Central Seattle and the other focusing on South Seattle including West Seattle to reflect SPU’s operational experience that some potential applicants may possess skill sets and professional experience in localized regions of the city. This should not discourage those applicants who feel the depth and breadth of their experience is city-wide. Applicants may submit responses that cover the entire city or either of the two areas identified.
One or two qualified consultants will be selected from this solicitation. One or both contracts will have a maximum combined not-to-exceed 5-year budget of $650,000. Annual budget will be based on program needs and possible program expansion that has yet to be determined. Current annual budget for existing program needs is approximately $50,000.00 per year total. Any increase in that amount will depend on program expansion.
Interested consultants are encouraged to review the RFQ, background documents, and any RFQ addenda online at Note that you are required to complete a free registration to view, print or save documents posted on this website and to view contact information for other consultants who have downloaded documents from this website.
The deadline for submitting Proposals is 4:00 PM, Wednesday, September 5, 2018, at the 50th Floor, Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 Fifth Avenue, P.O. Box 34018, Seattle, WA 98104-4018.
SPU PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE: A pre-submittal conference will be held on Tuesday, August 14, 2018, in Conference Room SMT 4901 (49th Floor) of the Seattle Municipal Tower Building, 700 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104 from 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM. Seattle Public Utilities will review the scope of work, consultant expectations, and answer questions from the prospective bidders. Time will be allocated for prospective bidders to network with each other and discuss teaming arrangements. Although attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, attendance is highly encouraged.
Written questions related to this RFQ are encouraged and shall be directed to Sherry Parker, Contract Administrator & SPU’s designated contact person, at . In order to facilitate preparation of responses to questions, please submit questions by no later than 2:00 PM on Tuesday, August 21, 2018. All responses to questions will be issued to all RFQ recipients in the form of an addendum to this RFQ. Addenda will be posted at
The City of Seattle is an Equal Opportunity Employer and selection of the Consultant is subject to applicable laws and ordinances regarding equal opportunity employment.
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