CLOSED-City of Seattle Disparity Study, RFP#FAS 2020-004
Original Date Posted: March 6, 2020 6:00 pmThe RFP response deadline has been extended to 3:00 p.m. (PDT), Wednesday July 8, 2020
IMPORTANT: A new addendum has been posted to the RFP site listed below – posted 6/26/2020
Request for Proposals for
City of Seattle Disparity Study
It is the City of Seattle’s goal to provide the maximum practicable opportunity for increased participation by minority- and women-owned and controlled businesses, as long as such businesses are underrepresented, and to ensure that City contracting practices do not support discrimination in employment and services when the City procures public works, goods, and services from the private sector.
The City, through the Finance and Administrative Services department, seeks proposals from qualified firms to conduct a fourth generation disparity analysis of the City’s contractual awards for goods, services (professional and general), and public works construction within the City’s relevant marketplace. The City seeks proposals from firms/organizations with experience conducting comparable studies of discrimination and disparities in contracting and procurement.
A copy of the Request for Proposals (RFP) may be obtained on the Finance & Administrative Services Procurement Portal at There will be a second optional pre-proposal meeting on Thursday, May 28 at 10:00 a.m. PDT. Contact Steven Larson to receive the call-in information. The RFP response deadline has been extended to 3:00 p.m. (PDT), Wednesday July 8, 2020. If there are further changes there will be an amendment by addenda. Full explanation of what a complete response entails is contained in the RFP document.
Questions regarding the RFP or the selection process should be directed to:
Steven Larson
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