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CLOSED-Racial Equity Evaluation for the Duwamish Valley Resilience District (RFP-OSE-DVRD-2-Equity); RFP-OSE-DVRD-2-Equity

Original Date Posted: January 10, 2022 7:30 am

Due Date:

Submissions are due February 15, 2022, by 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time unless amended by addenda.

City of Seattle Request for Proposals

Title:      Racial Equity Evaluation for the Duwamish Valley Resilience District (RFP-OSE-DVRD-2-Equity)

Proposal Due Date:  Submissions are due February 15, 2022, by 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time unless amended by addenda.

The City of Seattle Office of Sustainability & Environment is seeking a qualified consultant to ensure the Duwamish Valley Resilience District project embeds racial equity in all of its aspects (i.e., sea level rise adaptation planning, identifying sustainable funding sources and equitable investment mechanisms, supporting the formation of a community entity that can help shepherd and guide climate and community resilience work in the Duwamish Valley, and implementation of proof-of-concept projects). This will require the consultant to work closely with the City team and 4-5 other consultants to both co-design processes and evaluate results of the work. The goal is to ensure all processes are racially equitable and that the work achieves racially equitable outcomes. This work will be managed through a partnership with the Office of Planning & Community Development, and Seattle Public Utilities.

Optional Pre-Proposal Meeting: The City will host an online optional, pre-proposal meeting on Friday, January 21st. Please notify City contacts of your interest in attending the pre-proposal meeting, so that they can provide you with a meeting link and manage any technical issues that arise.

Project Budget:  $50,000-$55,000

City Contract Information
Alberto J. Rodríguez, Alberto.Rodriguez@Seattle.Gov

David W. Goldberg, DavidW.Goldberg@Seattle.Gov

Emerging small businesses, as well as minority-owned, disadvantage-owned, women-owned, and service disabled veteran owned enterprises are encouraged to submit a response to this RFP. The City of Seattle is an Equal Opportunity Employer and selection of the Consultant is subject to applicable laws and ordinances regarding equal opportunity employment.

The full RFP and associated documents can be viewed and downloaded at the City’s Consultant Connection site at

Click here for the complete RFP Document

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