CLOSED-Demand Side Management Potential Assessment; RFP #SCL-767013361
Original Date Posted: April 6, 2022 7:30 amMay 6, 2022; 3:00 pm
Request for Proposal #767013361
Demand Side Management Potential Assessment
The goal of the Request for Proposal (RFP) is to select a contractor (the “Consultant”) to develop, model and report on an electric-only Demand Side Management Potential Assessment (the “Potential Assessment”). The Potential Assessment is expected to examine energy efficiency, behind the meter solar and batteries, building electrification, and demand response potential within the Seattle City Light (“City Light”) service territory over a 22-year period of 2024-2045.
The initial Agreement in the amount of $350,000 is for 2022 and 2023 (“Phase 1”) with an option to extend the contract for up to six years, with extensions to be done every two years. Should the Agreement be extended to cover additional Phases, at that time, the contract will be amended to reflect the scope of any additional phases and the contract amount adjusted to accommodate the costs of those phases. The total spend for all three Phases is approximately $1,050,000. The Phase 1 Work Plan should identify the costs needed to complete the work in each year. The final contract amount will be subject to negotiation. Additional funding for any additional Phases shall be provided by way of an Amendment to the Agreement upon completion of Phase 1.
The Consultant will also support the Potential Assessment through anticipated engagement with internal and external project stakeholders, including presenting to City Light’s Integrated Resource Plan Technical Advisory Group (the “IRP TAG”) and assisting City Light with audits from the Washington State Auditor.
One of the primary goals for the Potential Assessment is to align the underlying assumptions and timelines of City Light’s Corporate Load Forecast, Clean Energy Implementation Plan (CEIP),1 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), and Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA) as closely as possible (refer to the Project Timeline section). All of these important and interrelated projects have different regulatory timelines, but City Light would like to use the work included in this SOW to inform and better align the projects.
OBTAINING RFP DOCUMENTS: Documents will be available online April 8, 2022 at Consultants must complete a free registration prior to viewing, printing, and saving to their own equipment at no cost or ordering full or partial document sets and/or CDs through the Web site. For help using this site, please contact Bonfire at for technical questions. You can also visit their help forum at internet access to obtain these documents is available at Seattle Neighborhood Service Centers and most public libraries.
Seattle City Light is hosting a Pre-submittal Conference virtually via MS Teams on April 14, 2022, from 2:30 – 3:30 PM (PST). Details are provided in the RFP. The City’s proposed schedule is outlined in the RFP.
The contract awarded as a result of this RFP will be awarded in a manner that will comply with all applicable laws of the United States, State of Washington, the City Charter, and Ordinances of the City of Seattle.
“WOMEN AND MINORITY AFFIRMATIVE EFFORTS REQUIREMENTS: All proposals are required to meet the Affirmative Efforts requirements as specified in the RFP. An Outreach Plan will be required for the top-rated consultant(s).
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