CLOSED-South Fork Tolt Dam Spillway Improvements; SPU RFP/Contract# SU0-22-090-S
Original Date Posted: May 3, 2022 7:30 am2:00 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Request for Proposals (RFP) for
South Fork Tolt Dam Spillway Improvements
SPU RFP/Contract# SU0-22-090-S
Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) is seeking a civil engineering consultant team to support SPU in the Options Analysis phase of a project to improve the condition of the South Fork Tolt River Dam Spillway. The key objectives for this effort are developing options, obtaining accurate planning level options costs, and developing well-documented non-monetary evaluation criteria scores for each option. At the completion of this “options analysis” work phase, SPU may elect to amend the Contract scope of work to include additional project phases including design/permitting and construction support services. There is no guarantee for additional work phases being added, and the decision to do so will be at the sole discretion of SPU. The estimated cost for the Options Analysis phase is $450,000.
Interested consultants are encouraged to review the RFQ/P, background documents, and any RFP addenda online at You must log in to register for Bid Events and to view Bid Question and Response information.
The deadline for submitting Proposals is 2:00 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, June 7, 2022, electronic only via e-mail to
SPU PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE: An optional pre-submittal conference will be held on Tuesday, May 17, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific Time, via Webex Meeting number (access code): 2499 768 9726, meeting password: MZupTNCP264 at URL:
Or join by phone at one of the following: 206-207-1700; 408-418-9388. SPU will review the scope of work, consultant expectations, and answer questions from the prospective bidders. Although attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, attendance is highly encouraged.
Written questions related to this RFP are encouraged and shall be directed to Sherry Arciniega, Contract Administrator & SPU’s designated contact person, at To facilitate preparation of responses to questions, please submit questions by no later than 3:00 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. All responses to questions will be posted at
The City of Seattle is an Equal Opportunity Employer and selection of the Consultant is subject to applicable laws and ordinances regarding equal opportunity employment.
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