CLOSED-Downtown Subarea Planning; RFP #OPCD-12-15-2022
Original Date Posted: December 15, 2022 3:43 pmJanuary 18, 2023
City of Seattle
Downtown Subarea Planning RFP #OPCD-12-15-2022
Proposals Due: January 18, 2023
The City of Seattle’s Office of Planning and Community Development (OPCD) is seeking to contract with a vendor for the engagement, policy and plan development of a Downtown Subarea Plan. There is a companion RFP for the associated technical analysis work. The Scope of Work described within this RFP is for a maximum of $300,000. The City intends to select one project team to conduct the Scope of Work described below, but may elect to divide the work into multiple sequential contracts. There is also the possibility of additional funds in future years to support subsequent phases for the five forthcoming subarea planning efforts.
The companion RFP for the technical analysis will be for a maximum of $200,000. During the negotiation process, the technical analysis team selected for this work will have the option to have an independent contract, or to serve as a subconsultant under the engagement and planning team. All consultants are subject to laws and WMBE requirements, as required.
Project Budget:$300,000
City Contact Information: Magda Hogness,
The full RFP and associated documents can be viewed and downloaded here.
Dates of publication in the Daily Journal of Commerce, December 17 and 21
Posted under History/Archives categories