CLOSED-On-Call Project Planning, OA, Design & Construction Services; SPU RFQ/Contract# 22-265-S
Original Date Posted: March 21, 2023 7:30 am2:00 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, April 11, 2023
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for
On-Call Project Planning, OA, Design & Construction Services
SPU RFQ/Contract# 22-265-S
Teams that deliver drainage and wastewater capital projects at Seattle Public Utilities often require support from the consultant industry. This support is needed for one of two reasons: 1) there is an occurrence of peak workload at the Utility, and 2) the Utility does not have the expertise to complete the work.
The purpose of this solicitation is to develop a series of on-call contracts that will allow capital project teams swift and efficient access to consultant support. The Utility plans to select up to twelve consultant teams to fulfill this need and hold a single on-call contract with each consultant team.
There are two solicitation categories and a prime consultant may only submit one proposal in one of the two categories. In “Category A” the prime consultant role is open to all firms. In “Category B” the prime consultant role is only open to firms listed as a small business on the City’s Online Business Directory. Interested consultants are encouraged to review the RFQ/P, background documents, and any RFQ/P addenda online at You must log in to register for Bid Events and to view Bid Question and Response information.
The deadline for submitting Qualifications is 2:00 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday, April 11, 2023, electronic only via e-mail to
Wednesday, March 29, 2023 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific Time, via Teams Meeting ID: 225 193 913 162; Meeting Passcode: kSGkyB at URL:
Or join by phone at: 1-206-686-8357; Phone Conference ID: 611 115 532#. SPU will review the scope of work, consultant expectations, and answer questions from the prospective bidders. Although attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, attendance is highly encouraged.
Written questions related to this RFQ/P are encouraged and shall be directed to Sherry Shaffer, Contract Administrator & SPU’s designated contact person, at To facilitate preparation of responses to questions, please submit questions by no later than 3:00 PM Pacific Time on Friday, March 31, 2023. All responses to questions will be posted at
Consultant selection for this RFQ will be subject to all applicable laws and ordinances. The participation of women- and minority-owned firms is a high priority cultural value of the City of Seattle and is strongly encouraged at all tiers.
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