CLOSED-Pre-Advertisement Notice for Future RFQ #CD 2022-043, Architectural/Engineering Consultant Services for Seattle Municipal Tower Tenant Improvements, Floors 47-50 for SPU
Original Date Posted: November 7, 2022 10:25 amCITY OF SEATTLE
Architectural/Engineering Consultant Services for
Seattle Municipal Tower Tenant Improvements
Floors 47-50 for Seattle Public Utilities
Future RFQ Advertisement date: November 14, 2022
PROJECT LOCATION: 700 5th Avenue, Floors 47-50, Seattle, WA 98104
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Seattle Department of Finance and Administrative Services (FAS), Capital Development Division (CD) give notice of future advertisement of Request for Qualifications for one consultant architect and engineer (A/E) team to provide professional design services for a four-floor, 77,387 SF tenant improvement project at the Seattle Municipal Tower. The Department of Finance and Administrative Services, Capital Development division is executing the project on behalf of Seattle Public Utilities. Services are anticipated to include design and programming through tenant move in and close out for the project. Potential subconsultant opportunities include cost estimating, lighting design and controls, mechanical, electrical/data, plumbing, acoustical, interior design, workplace design, and programming.
For additional questions contact RFQ Project Manager Eileen McHugh at Questions will be collected, and clarifications will be posted as part of the addenda process for the RFQ.
Consultant selection for this RFQ will be subject to all applicable laws and ordinances. The participation of women- and minority-owned firms is a high priority cultural value of the City of Seattle and is strongly encouraged at all tiers.
Date of Pre-Advertisement for Future RFQ
Date of future RFQ publication in the Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce, November 14, 2022
Posted under Bids & Proposals, General, History/Archives categories Tags: Tenant Improvement, TI