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CLOSED-Phased Program Support & Construction Management for LDW Sediment Cleanup, SPU RFP/Contract# 23-214-S

Original Date Posted: November 1, 2023 8:23 am

Due Date:

1:00 Pacific Time on January 4, 2023

Seattle Public Utilities (SPU), on behalf of Lower Duwamish Waterway Group (LDWG), is requesting proposals from qualified consultant teams to provide program support, construction management, and services related to remedial action and site monitoring for sediment cleanup in the Lower Duwamish Waterway (LDW) Superfund/CERCLA Site.

LDWG, consisting of the City of Seattle, King County, and Boeing, has been partnering to conduct remedial investigation and design for the clean-up of contaminated sediments in the LDW Superfund Site in Seattle, Washington.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued the Selected Remedy for the LDW site in 2014 in their Record of Decision (ROD) and will provide oversight on this project. The LDW has been divided into three reaches to implement EPA’s cleanup plan: the upper, middle, and lower reaches. Each reach will have its own design and cleanup schedule. Cleanup will begin upstream (south) in the upper reach and move downstream.

Services under this contract will support the project design and construction phases, which are expected to extend from contract execution through approximately 2034. The estimated contract value is $40 million for all phases. SPU expects to issue 3 or more Work Assignments iteratively over the course of the contract with varying dates for milestones and deliverables depending on the scope. Each Work Assignment will be executed for a period of approximately three (3) years with the option to extend. SPU does not guarantee any minimum quantity of Work under this contract.

Interested consultants are encouraged to review the solicitation, background documents, and any addenda online at

The deadline for submitting responses is 1:00 Pacific Time on January 4, 2023, electronic submittals are to be uploaded to the City’s Procurement Portal:

SPU PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE:  An optional pre-submittal conference will be held on November 16, 2023 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM Pacific Time, via MS Teams Meeting ID: 223 240 374 929, meeting passcode: TyeDQv at URL:

Or join by phone at: +1-206-686-8357; Phone Conference ID: 577 771 893#. SPU will review the scope of work, consultant expectations, and answer questions from the prospective bidders. Although attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, attendance is highly encouraged.

Proposers may submit questions to the procurement portal (Bonfire) under the Vendor Discussions section. The City strongly prefers that consultants submit questions in Bonfire but will accept questions submitted to the Contract Administrator in email format, as well. Questions shall be directed to Sherry Shaffer, Contract Administrator & SPU’s designated contact person, at To facilitate preparation of responses to questions, please submit questions by no later than 5:00 PM Pacific Time on 11/30/2026. All responses to questions will be posted at under the Public Notices Section in the respective procurement opportunity.

Consultant selection for this solicitation will be subject to all applicable laws and ordinances. The participation of women- and minority-owned firms is a high priority cultural value of the City of Seattle and is strongly encouraged at all tiers.

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