CLOSED-Regional Emergency Resource Management Integration Study RFP-FAS-2011-055
Original Date Posted: November 30, 2011 7:57 pmProposal Materials & Schedule
(Click on the project title link below to access official project information and documents)
Title: CLOSED-Regional Emergency Resource Management Integration Study RFP-FAS-2011-055
Project Description: The City of Seattle Department of Finance and Administrative Services is seeking a qualified consultant to design a taxonomy plan for defining critical response and recovery resources that are regionally in high demand and unique (Tier 2) as outlined in the “National Incident Management System Guide: Resource Typing Criteria”. This project will also include developing the governance document for the taxonomy creation process, guide ongoing maintenance of resource management taxonomy and provide recommendations for regional adoption of taxonomy framework.
Engineer’s Estimate: $80,000
Proposal Due Date and Time: 12/05/2011, 4:00 PM Pacific
City Contact: Elenka Jarolimek,
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