CLOSED-URM Cost Benefit Analysis RFQ, DPD-2013-URM CBA
Original Date Posted: January 24, 2013 11:35 amCity of Seattle Request for Qualifications
Title: URM Cost Benefit Analysis
RFQ Due Date: January 25, 2013
Ebid Tracking Number: 2013-URM CBA
Scope of Work: City of Seattle Department of Planning and Development is seeking a qualified consultant to perform a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis on alternatives for a mandatory seismic retrofit program for unreinforced (URM) buildings. The analysis would determine the total cost – social, environmental and financial – of program alternatives on those affected. The purpose of the analysis is to provide information for final recommendations by the URM Policy Committee and to inform decisions by the City of Seattle on a mandatory retrofit program.
Project Budget: $50,000
City Contract Information: Sandy Howard
The full RFQ and associated documents can be viewed and downloaded at the City’s E-Bid Exchange site,
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