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CLOSED-Seattle Public Utilities Culvert Repair and Replacement Program Support RFP #15-090

Original Date Posted: October 1, 2015 2:24 pm

Due Date: 2:00 pm on Thursday, October 8, 2015


Request for Proposals (RFP) for (15-090-S) Seattle Public Utilities Culvert Repair and Replacement Program Support 

The Seattle Public Utilities (SPU or Department) had advertised on September 10, 2015 & September 11, 2015 in the Daily Journal of Commerce for a Request for Proposals from consultants with expertise in planning, design and construction of culvert replacement, floodplain reconnection and stream restoration projects. One or more consultants will be hired to complete an initial Scope of Work (SOW) focused on Options Analysis for two high priority culvert replacement projects (10th Ave NE culvert replacement and Kramer/S. Branch Thornton Creek culvert complex)  within the City of Seattle in 2016 and for Options Analysis on up to five other roadway culverts in future years.

This phased engineering services contract may be amended to include design and construction support services for these culvert projects and to complete some optional items. The optional items include modeling and evaluating fish passage requirements and associated needs to help SPU understand the sequence in which culverts on a single stream should be completed to get the most benefits and least impact. Work is likely to include basic program management and specialized technical services such as hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, environmental permitting including knowledge of fish passage regulations, floodplain and stream restoration design, fluvial geomorphology, geotechnical engineering and economic analysis.

SPU will select one or more of the most qualified consultant teams to perform the work identified in the RFP.  It is intended that the services will be provided in phases, the first of which will focus on Options Analysis for two priority culvert replacement projects. The subsequent phases may include Options Analysis on up to 5 additional culverts and design and construction support on any of these projects. The estimated total value of all phases of this contract is currently expected to be in the range of $2 million and the final completion date is approximately December 31, 2019.

Interested consultants are encouraged to review the RFP, background documents, and any RFP addenda online at  Note that you are required to complete a free registration to view, print or save documents posted on this website and to view contact information for other consultants who have downloaded documents from this website.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 2:00 pm on Thursday, October 8, 2015. Submittals are to be delivered to Ernest Martin, SPU Contracts Division, Suite 5000 (Floor 50) of the Seattle Municipal Tower Bldg, 700 Fifth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104-5004.  

For questions or more information you may contact:


Ernest Martin, Contract Administrator – SPU Contracts Division, who can be contact at (

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