CLOSED-Organics Processing Services; SPU RFP/Contract# 22-083-B
Original Date Posted: June 10, 2022 7:30 am2:00 PM Pacific Time on Friday, September 9, 2022
Request for Proposals (RFP) for
Organics Processing Services
SPU RFP/Contract# 22-083-B
The City of Seattle (“the City”) through its Seattle Public Utilities (“SPU”) is requesting proposals for processing yard debris, food scraps, food-soiled paper, compostable food packaging, and compostable bags received through the City’s transfer stations and through the City’s solid waste collection contracts. Processing includes composting and/or anaerobic digestion into marketable end products such as compost, mulch, biogas for energy generation or fuel, and digestate for composting and/or land application.
The City expects to award one or more new contracts to process organic wastes beginning in either April 2024 or April 2026 under 6 to 12-year agreements, depending on the proposal(s) selected.
The City’s contracted composters currently process approximately 90,000 tons of organic waste. That volume and this RFP do not include another 80,000 tons of open market commercial organics collected and processed outside of the City collection and processing contracts.
Interested consultants are encouraged to review the RFP, background documents, and any RFP addenda online at You must log in to register for Bid Events and to view Bid Question and Response information.
The deadline for submitting Proposals is 2:00 PM Pacific Time on Friday, September 9, 2022, electronic only via e-mail to
SPU PRE-SUBMITTAL CONFERENCE: An optional pre-submittal conference will be held on Thursday, June 23, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Pacific Time, via Webex Meeting number (access code): 2488 652 2192, meeting password: RdPjPZGS845 at URL:
Or join by phone at one of the following: 206-207-1700; 408-418-9388. SPU will review the scope of work, consultant expectations, and answer questions from the prospective bidders. Although attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, attendance is highly encouraged.
Written questions related to this RFQ/P are encouraged and shall be directed to Sher Arciniega, Contract Administrator & SPU’s designated contact person, at To facilitate preparation of responses to questions, please submit questions by no later than 3:00 PM Pacific Time on Friday, June 24, 2022. All responses to questions will be posted at
The City of Seattle is an Equal Opportunity Employer and selection of the Consultant is subject to applicable laws and ordinances regarding equal opportunity employment.
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