CLOSED-Ballard Bridge Seismic Retrofit RFQ-DOT-T11-20
Original Date Posted: July 14, 2011 10:22 pmProposal Materials & Schedule:
(Click on the project title link below to access official project information and documents)
Title: CLOSED-Ballard Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase II – Construction Management Services RFQ-DOT-T11-20 Ebid number is SDOT RFQ T11-20
Project Description: The City of Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) seeks Construction Management (CM) services (Resident Engineer, project inspection, contract administration, document control and other related services) for the Ballard Bridge Seismic Retrofit Phase II. Construction will take place over and in water, so environmental management will be an important component of the consultant services. Total construction cost is estimated between $7 – $9 million.
Engineer’s Estimate: $7 – 9 million
Proposal Due Date and Time: 7/21/2011, 4:00 PM PST
Pre-Proposal Conference: 7/13/2011, 1:00 PM PST, room 1650 at 700 – 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104.
City Contact: Dominic Kirangi, 206-733-9928 or .
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