Posts for April 6th, 2016
CLOSED-Boundary Ly07 Recreation Site Improvements SCL-RFQ-CC2016-018
Original Date Posted: April 6th, 2016THE CITY OF SEATTLE SEATTLE CITY LIGHT DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS for SCL-RFQ-CC2016-018, BOUNDARY LY07 RECREATION SITE IMPROVEMENTS The Boundary Hydroelectric Project (FERC No. 2144) (Project) is owned and operated by Seattle City Light (City Light) under a license administered by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). The Project is located in northeast Washington on […]
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CLOSED-Sullivan Creek Large Woody Debris Habitat Restoration, RFP #SCL-RFP-CC2016-019
Original Date Posted: April 6th, 2016THE CITY OF SEATTLE SEATTLE CITY LIGHT DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS for SCL-RFP-CC2016-019 SULLIVAN CREEK LARGE WOODY DEBRIS HABITAT RESTORATION Seattle City Light (City Light) owns and operates Boundary Dam on the Pend-Oreille River in Northeast Washington. In March 2013, FERC issued a 42-year license to City Light. The License Agreement requires City Light to […]
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Tags: Creek, Habitat, Restoration, Sullivan